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String Utilities
You can do various operations with string
Remove any underscores or dashes and convert a string into camel casing.
Capitalize the first character of the first word of sentences.
Convert all adjacent whitespace characters to a single space.
Make a converted camel cased string into a string delimited by dashes.
Decode HTML entities into their string representation.
Escape the html markups.
Remove accents from Latin characters.
Count the length of the string.
Count newlines of the string.
Remove accents from Latin characters and Convert the text into a valid url slug.
Make the string with the first letter of each word uppercased.
Make converted camel cased string into a string delimited by underscores.
Unescape the html markups.
Make all characters lowercase.
Make all characters uppercase.
Reverse all characters.
Count all sentences.
Count all words.