I will advertise Your Business 150 Ad Posting Boost Sales

5 days estimated (5 days guaranteed) >
Generate Quality Sales for Your Website, Business, Services, Buy & Sell, Amazon Products by ordering our Classified Ad Posting Gig without spending a lots of money on costly Google Advertising !!!

Here in this Gig, I will write a promotional advertisement article up to 150 Words & post it to 50 top rated classified websites. Classified Ad Posting helps to promote your business to Local & Global audience and bringing you targeted traffic in a very cost-effective way. Surprising Benefits Of Classified Advertising are as follows:

Reach targeted audience
Buy or Sell your Products made Easy
Generate Quality Backlinks through ClassifiedAds

Results - Generate quality sales leads, maintain market presence & introduce new products & services

To Start Posting Ads I need following:
Your Website & Product URL
Any contact detail (Phone, Email)
Image or logo (optional)

After completion I will provide you an Excel Sheet Reporting with Live URL of Ads, so you can track my submission.
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