Add 4 Reviews to your Google Plus Local Business Listing

SEO/Content Creation
3 days estimated (8 days guaranteed) >
1 day on average

For this service, I will publish 4 Google Plus Local (formerly Google Places) 5-Star reviews on your business listing, written by you. I will also "+1" your business page with both profiles.

All of my profiles are USA phone verified, 100% setup with personal information & images, and these reviews will be posted from unique IP addresses. (International reviews are also available.)

Customer reviews are becoming more and more of a deciding factor in people's purchases each and every day. Positive Reviews also GREATLY IMPROVE your ranking in Google and help strengthen your brand!

YOU know your business better than anyone else!! Harness the power of a 5-Star Review today! If you'd like me to write the review for you, want multiple reviews or want to extend my ' 30 day review replacement' guarantee to 90 days, please check out the extras.

Caution: Paid reviews usually violate the site's terms of service. Proceed at your own risk. All reviews I post are guaranteed for 30 days, so if any disappear, just let me know, and I'll fix/replace them.

Feel free to contact me with any questions before ordering. Thanks! :)

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