Competitor Research - Shopify

Marketing/Marketing Strategy
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Research Competitors Stores - Uncover Best Sellers Marketing Tactics

Best Sellers 

Analyze all the best sellers on Shopify in any category to instantly uncover the top selling products for your own eCommerce store!

Database list of over 130,000 shopify stores by Facebook conversion pixel, the price-point of each store's best selling item, whether or not they have a facebook page or twitter profile, the currency being used, or by keyword search.

Store Information

Report contains when the store owner last uploaded a product to their store, what theme they are using and their Shopify username if keyword search is requested.

Social Accounts

Quickly see the store's facebook page and twitter feed, then investigate their content to come up with new fresh ideas for your own marketing or use what they use but twist it to your own stores image.

Installed Apps

Will provide what apps your competitor is using on Shopify. You can then use those same apps in your stores to spike up your sales and conversions. Massive advantage.

Traffic Analysis

Instantly see the daily traffic, global rank, country rank, and category rank for your competitors store. Traffic volume from each country, the traffic sources, the top referring websites, the top destination websites, the organic and paid search keywords, social traffic volumes, display ad networks being used, audience interests and similar sites!

All this will be in your report that you can use to build super-targeted facebook ad campaigns and take the market for your own Shopify stores!

Have your Keywords or competitor URL ready after purchase.

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All reports will be conducted and delivered there can be no refund as the report will contain exactly what you ordered. Simple steps to never need the refund. 1 read this gig 2 order the gig 3 provide either a keyword of your product or your competitor URL 4 report gets sent based on your search request 5 we high five and you make money

I was into fashion and all that Instagirl sh#t Now I like playing on computers.

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