Business SEO Advertize Locally and Globally - 18 Keywords-Monthly Plan

SEO/Site Optimization
3 days estimated (4 days guaranteed) >
Level X Seller 100% Positive Reviews

Guaranteed Top 10 Ranking for Google Locally & Globally

The first phase of our SEO approach, that we take is as follows:

★Search Engine Optimization Strategy – We will review the history of your website, your online competition and will conduct an analysis of the customized specific approach we will take to optimize your website.

★Technical SEO Audit – As a full service SEO client, we will perform a technical SEO audit of your website and will look at every technical error that might be happening with your website. Some of the SEO issues and items we will look at as part of the technical SEO audit include: 301 redirect, sitemap, duplicate content, 404 issues, broken link and much more!

★SEO Keyword Research – Extensive research of your industry and recommendations on which keywords and phrases will be most beneficial to optimize and naturally incorporate on each page of your website.

★SEO Keyword Selection – We will hand pick the most relevant keyword phrases for each page of your website, based on the content on each page.

★Content SEO Recommendations – A thorough review of the existing content of your site and we will naturally incorporate the selected keywords within the existing content throughout each page of your website.

★Meta Tags Copywriting – We will write visitor focused Meta Tags for your website that will include the following for each page: Title Tag, Meta Tag Description, H1 Tags and Image Tags for each page of your site.

★Additional On Site SEO Changes - If needed we will recommend a new XML sitemap and will analyze the URL structure of your website.

★Implementation of SEO Changes – We can work with your website designer to install all of the search engine optimization recommendations or let our expert web developer implement the changes directly to your website. Depending of the complexity of the work a fee may be added. 

★Dedicated SEO Specialist – When you become a Chris Brown Platinum full service SEO client you will receive a dedicated SEO Specialist. Your dedicated SEO Specialist will be the one actually doing all of the work on the onsite SEO phase. 



PAGE 1 : 91,63%, PAGE 2 : 4,49%, PAGE 3 : 2,19%,

PAGE 4 : 1,10%, PAGE 5 :0,59% only .

Here is the SEO Package:

Why only us?
Guaranteed Results in Stated Time Duration.
★White Hat Techniques
★Free Keyword Analysis
★Free Website Audit
★Manual Submissions
★Strategic Planning
★Free Meta Data Update
★Dedicated Project Manager
★Weekly Reports
★Keyword Position Report
★100% Client Satisfaction
★Genuine Site Submissions

FAQs (Must Read)

1- Do you accept new sites?
Yes, we accepts all sites including adult, porn and gambling.

2- What method you use?
We only follow Google webmaster guidelines to rank on first page.

3- How many keywords you accept?
This service entails 6 Target Keywords on Google Page #1 (Monthly Plan). We also offer 9, 12 and 15 Target Keywords packages. 

4- Will you required any admin access?
Yes we will required admin access for your site for on page optimization and to setup basic SEO techniques, to setup Google webmaster and analytic tool. If due to any reason if you do not want to give admin access please contact before order.

5- How much time will required?
It depends on the keyword competition, on the initial stage we need 3 to 4 weeks to test and to monitor your target keywords against the competition. Based on the initial analyzes we will provide a definite time frame.

6- Is your method still works after Penguin & Panda update?
Our method is not effected by any update because Google webmaster guideline remains the same for every update only some changes are made in algorithm to detect spam. As we said above our method is Google webmaster guidelines only.

7- What if i want to rank for or
No problem, all you have to do is let us know and we will guarantee to get you on the first page of that search engine.

8- How long my site will stay GOOGLE PAGE one ?
It will stay on Google 1 for as long as it takes for competition to overtake it. So it completely depends on competing sites. However we are more than happy to maintain the rank for you for a monthly fee which will be decided afterwards.

9- Can you work on my penalized site?
Yes, please contact before order.

10- Is this risk Free SEO Service?
Yes, don’t just hire any SEO company promising you the world, you should hire the best service provider that will keep your website ranked and not penalized which can result in a significant loss of time and money. We guarantee and stand by all of our SEO services. We can beat any real SEO company when it comes to pricing, level of service and results. If we do not rank your website within the agreed upon time frame we will work for Free until the agreed upon results are achieved. This is a fail safe method that we implement to ensure that all of our clients get the results they deserve.

"Chris Brown SEO Services is the cure for invisibility"

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