JSON-LD Schema Markup Code for Any Business

SEO/Site Optimization
3 days estimated (7 days guaranteed) >
2 days on average

Schema Markup Code is Essential for Any Local Business Website to Rank.

JSON-LD is the latest schema coding and is used by Google, Yahoo, and Bing to better understand what your website is about. This helps your website to rank better in your target local market.

We will create it for you!

What you get:
I will create your JDON-LD schema local business code for you. Then I will test it in Google's structured data testing tool to ensure there are no errors.

What to do with your code once you get it from us:
Single Location Site: You should add it to the footer of your site.
Multiple Locations Site: You should add the code to the footer of the page with the matching location.

*Choose the extra below to add more locations & we will crate a code set for each.

Want us to add the code to your site for you?
No problem. We can add your schema markup code to your Wordpress site for you and then test your site in Google's structured data testing tool to make sure Google sees our code properly and that there are no errors.

*Choose the Extra below to have us add the code to your WP site for you

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over 3 years ago



12 hours

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No Refunds once work has begun

Hey, My name is Jeremy. I am an internet marketer and have been doing SEO for more than 10 years. For the past 5 years I have focused primarily on local SEO and have made many connections and learned a lot during this time. I am involved in SEO groups like Source University, Bulletproof SEO & OMG.