Restore And Recover 1 Website Or PBN From Wayback Machine

IT & Web/WordPress
5 days estimated (8 days guaranteed) >
Want to restore a site from, otherwise known as the Wayback Machine?

It's simple. All I need is the domain name and the year or even the EXACT date and I can grab you the site and give you the full site! 

Why restore a website?

There are several reasons why you would want to restore a website instead of buying a new template. One of the main reasons is that if you are creating SEO money sites and/or PBN sites, restoring a website will send a signal to Google that your site is trustworthy because you are the same company from many years ago.

This is the best way to avoid being penalized by Google.

Disclaimer: I cannot guarantee full restoration of graphics, scripts and pages of the site because doesn't always have everything. The information will be restored to the extent of what is present on the site in

Once you buy the service you can sit back and chill while I grab you your site.

You will receive the sites you ordered in the form of HTML files + images (png, jpeg, etc...) in a ZIP archive.

What sites can I restore?

Static sites with the links of type .htm .html .php .shtml can be restored quite beautifully.

Any CMSes like Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal can only be restored as a static site (cannot edit via CMS again)

Can I install this on my Wordpress blog?

Yes, regular orders will receive the HTML, JS and CSS files. If you want to make sure you can add this to your WordPress blog make sure you add the extra "One Click WordPress Integration" on the add-ons at the bottom of the page.

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