Health/Fitness Niche PBN Posts - (FREE ARTICLE PROVIDED)
Hi Everyone.
I am providing a high quality permanent link on my health PBN. If you have been wondering why some of the PBN posts you have been buying are not effective, it's because they are in networks filled with hundreds of irrelevant posts. Google cannot even know the Topical Flow of some PBNs offered by various vendors.
I have been buidling niche relevant PBNs for a while now and I'm happy to open it to a select few of members in the market. My PBNs are built as real sites and are slowly transitioning to huge niche sites with traffic and visitors. Take advantage of the power of niche relevant link and order my service.
Here are the statistics of the health website:
CF/TF: 21/23
Your link will stay on the homepage for 1 month before rolling over. I will send you a link with your article on the website after completion of the work.
I will write the articles for you (500+ words). This is a high quality article. Not spun garbage. The article will have relevant images and video if need be. It will also be shared across various social networks.
This is a $12 gig for an inner page post. If you would like a link on the homepage, please purchase the extra gig below.
AverageResponse Time
Ordersin progress
Fails to Deliver
Refund Rate