Topical Trust Flow - Games Niche PBN's - Video Embeds & Backlinks

SEO/Youtube SEO
24 days estimated (29 days guaranteed) >
22 days on average

Proudly Presented by the Video Marketing Group

Get Powerful Video Embeds & Backlinks ...

... on PBN's with Topical Trust Flow in the Business Niche!

    After months of extensive research and testing one thing is abundantly clear when it comes to YouTube videos: The number of high quality embeds has a huge impact on your YouTube rankings as well as in the major SERPs. This is why the Video Powerhouse (VPH) was created. VPH is an embed network made of quality niche relevant sites built to high standards of excellence.

Here’s how it works

$15 = 15 embeds, but what exactly does one embed get you? The video embed placed on the VPH network is not a typical embed. With each embed you get the following:

  • Near instant video embeds
  • Premium quality network posts
  • An embed on a niche relevant and aged domain
  • IFTTT ring around each site in our embed network
  • Over 20 extra backlinks per embed from trusted sites in the Syndication Network.

Your video will be embedded on PBN's closely associated with your video. Some or all of the of embeds will be placed on very specific PBN's in the subcategories listed below. The remaining embeds will be placed on other PBN's in the Business network.

For example you ordered 50 PBN Embeds and your video was only about Video Games. Then your video would be first embedded on the PBN's in the Video Games Niche and then the rest would be embedded on a random selection of PBN's in the Games Niche or as closely associated to that as possible.

NOTE: The Gig can be delivered earlier depending if you want your embeds dripped over 7, 14 or 21 days.

Related Keywords:

Topical Trust Flow
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topical trust flow categories
primary topical trust flow
majestic seo topical trust flow
what is topical trust flow
topical trust flow majestic

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Hi this is Tony "Video SEO Expert" Peacock founder of the Video Marketing Group. As a Black Level member I would like to offer Konker members "Real" Video SEO Services. I deliver what I promise so that you can trust working with me. Let me improve your rankings in the search engines.