I will run in depth keyword research

5 days estimated (5 days guaranteed) >
Are you looking for a dedicated researcher?

I will find the best Key words to target for your niche or business

Targeting the wrong or bad Keywords will cost your business time and money.
Optimization with right key words will Make your site position on Top with lot of Target visitors and with much less efforts.

I will complete your research and give you a detailed report as packages with dedicated services.

You will receive Key word Research Includes:

- Search terms and competition data

- List the keyword
- Searches per month
- Cost per click
- Competition data

You receive all keywords that I find so you know what is best to target and what to avoid, this can be between 100 to 500 keywords.
I can run global campaigns or local business, I can run most languages with competition from any Google search engine.

Why me?

  1. 100% satisfaction and money back guaranteed.
  2. Best Quality
  3. Dedicated service

Have any Query? Please feel free to contact me anytime.
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