Our website is one of the most famous Arabic discussion forums with a special interest in travel, study and immigration to Canada, USA, Australia and New Zealand.
Our domain age is 7 years.
Our visitors are primarily from the Middle East, including Saudi Arabia, Emirates, Kuwait, Qatar, Egypt, Algeria and from Canada, USA, Australia and Europe.
Our current Alexa global rank is 85,000 and our estimated unique daily visitors are 5000 visitors/day.
We have 4,500,000 indexed pages in Google which will provide a very strong backlink to your business/website/page in search engines and help improve your Alexa traffic ranking:
Our average page views/impressions are 25,000 daily.
Many of our threads have had more than 2 million page views and some have even exceeded 3 million page views!
The website is an ideal platform for promoting advertisers who are targeting a large population in the Middle East and Arabic Gulf Region.
In this Gig, I'll place your Text Ad on top of All Pages of our heavily-trafficked forum for One Week for just $5!
Give it a try!
* Please note that I don't promote Adult/Dating/Gambling websites.
Thank you.
Our website is one of the most famous Arabic discussion forums with a special interest in travel, study and immigration to Canada, USA, Australia and New Zealand.
Our domain age is 7 years.
Our visitors are primarily from the Middle East, including Saudi Arabia, Emirates, Kuwait, Qatar, Egypt, Algeria and from Canada, USA, Australia and Europe.
Our current Alexa global rank is 85,000 and our estimated unique daily visitors are 5000 visitors/day.
We have 4,500,000 indexed pages in Google which will provide a very strong backlink to your business/website/page in search engines and help improve your Alexa traffic ranking:
Our average page views/impressions are 25,000 daily.
Many of our threads have had more than 2 million page views and some have even exceeded 3 million page views!
The website is an ideal platform for promoting advertisers who are targeting a large population in the Middle East and Arabic Gulf Region.
In this Gig, I'll place your Text Ad on top of All Pages of our heavily-trafficked forum for One Week for just $5!
Give it a try!
* Please note that I don't promote Adult/Dating/Gambling websites.
Thank you.
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