★ BEST Keywords Service on Konker ★ Recommended by SuperstarSEO ★

SEO/Keyword Research
9 days estimated (14 days guaranteed) >
7 days on average





  • Main Keyword (700+ monthly searches) - directly related to a Clickbank product. For example, if the Clickbank product is an ebook on how to treat tonsil stones, a related KW could be "how to get rid of tonsil stones", "tonsil stones cured", etc.

  • 5 Secondary long-tail keywords related to the same Clickbank product (300+ USA local monthly searches)

  • Regarding Gravity - Since I added the Clickbank package, which was more than 11 months ago I think, I've realized that Gravity is not as important as long as the keyword is relevant and the landing page of the product looks good. It could just be a product starting out, hence the low gravity, and not necessarily a bad product.
  • For Upgrades check EXTRAS


  • Main Keyword (700+ monthly searches and medium to high Adwords competition) - directly related to an Amazon product.

  • 5 Secondary long-tail keywords related to the same Amazon product (300+ USA local monthly searches, medium to high Adwords competition)

  • For Upgrades check EXTRAS


  • Main Keyword (1000+ monthly searches, minimum of $1+ CPC)

  • 5 Secondary long-tail keywords (500+ USA local monthly searches, $0.5+ CPC, medium to high Adwords competition)

  • High Commercial Intent, Non-Branded, Non-Seasonal

  • For Upgrades check EXTRAS


  • Main Keyword (700+ local monthly searches and medium to high Adwords competition) - Directly related to a CPA offer. For example, if the CPA offer is a product to treat acne, a related KW could be "how to get rid of acne". An OfferVault.com screenshot of the offer will be included.

  • 5 Secondary long-tail keywords related to the same CPA offer (300+ USA local monthly searches, medium to high Adwords competition)

  • For Upgrades check EXTRAS


Q: Why are you selling keywords? Wouldn't you make more money by keeping these gold nuggets to yourself?

A: I'm a business oriented person. I don't sell keywords motivated by a "labour of love". I'm not altruistic. Just like you, I'm here to make money. My goal is to continuously provide you with keywords that make you money as well, so I can make even more. This is the plain truth

Q: What's your turnaround time?

A: For 1 package, the standard turnaround time is 3 days. For bigger orders please PM to get an estimated TAT.

Q: Do you provide niche-specific keywords?

A: If you have preference for a particular micro or macro niche, please PM before placing an order. The same applies to my CPA and Clickbank packages.

Q: Do the secondary keywords come with SEO screenshots?

A: No, only the primary keywords come with SEO analysis screenshots.

Q:: Do you provide keywords in languages other than English?

A: Yes, I can also provide keywords in the following languages: Spanish, French, German and Italian.

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