Get 30+ YouTube URL Variations for Your Video SEO Rankings
Please Note: The 30+ youtube urls created from the 1 youtube url can be very powerful for your Video SEO rankings if you know how to use them properly, a test was done with 5 backlinks to 1 url verses the same 5 backlinks to 30 urls the seo stats were astounding. In saying that,
We offer the services of our YOUTUBE VIDEO URL (variations tool ), which creates a proprietary set of 30+ YOUTUBE URLs, from 1 video url, which we then send through our RSS Feed technologies, and indexing strategies, to boost your YOUTUBE VIDEO high on the Google and YouTube engines.
Note: These Video Urls can also be used with your back-linking services if you need the extra boost to achieve your Google Page 1 #1 Rankings Fast...
I will need 1 Youtube Video URL which i will then create 30+ unique urls.
I will then send through our RSS Feed technologies, and indexing strategies,
Please provide us with your Title and Description of your video, which we will re-write into spin text to create 30 different Titles and Descriptions for each URL. (or provide your own spun version, ready to go)
You will be provided with a full report.
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