PBN Links - TF 10-25 - Permanent Homepage Post - Made in USA
*Limited Time Offer*
Get 1 Forceful Homepage Links for only $15.
See upgrades for more links (all prices will be going up!)
Permanent backlinks inside of extensive, quality sites.
They're super powerful and extraordinarily safe.
Created manually by our top-notch, American team.
What you will receive is a TF 10-25 Permanent Homepage Post.
All of the PBNs are just as footprint free and safe as our own personal PBN network is.
About this service and networks:
is opening up our extensive PBN networks strictly for the benefit of the SEO community. This will be entirely separate networks than our other personal client networks. Reason being is we will not be creating all of the content for this one. But with that, you're getting a cheaper price and still powerful links.
(Continued) A little bit about our PBN Networks:
Just as our other linking service we provide, this network will not be ran like a other peoples' PBN burner networks. We will continue to fully monitor the sites, build them out, and make them into great sites.
The differences between this network and our personal client network is that the content being put onto the sites will not be entirely made by us. Also, there will not be any dedicated marketing dollars going towards directing traffic to these pbn networks like our other one has.
With that being said, these ones will still be heavily monitored. And we will not let bogus content on it. We are requiring people to provide their own blog article, but we will not just blindly post it on a pbn and call it day and hopefully for your sake it stays good(like so many other services do). So we will be reading the articles and making adjustments to the content in order to fit the sites better. This will overall make the websites stronger, networks safer, and help generate more natural traffic on their own which is better in google's eyes. We will always push for the long term success with any of our networks, and that standard will hold no different to this one.
Let's talk 1 on 1 here a little bit:
The SEO industry and community has been very good to us. For that, we want to repay the favor and spread the good karma. That's why we're opening up this extensive PBN network for other industry SEOs to take advantage of. We understand you may not have the resources to get onto our other network, but you still need quality links to get rankings. And we are going to help you guys with that because we still want you guys to be able to get rankings for your clients or your affiliate sites and make some money.
What you get:
-Our $15 special gets you 1 homepage backlink. (limited time offer)
-Or however many links you order. (see upgrades below)
-If you get more than 1, then links will be dripped out for the duration on the upgrade to look natural and give us enough time to review and make adjusts content.
-If you order more than 1 PBN link, you will need as many articles as links you ordered. (We will allow up to 2-3 links in an article if you want to stuff an article full, and you don't want your links on different articles on different sites)
-Links that are inside extensively-monitored, quality websites.
-Placed on either niche related or powerful general sites.
-One Time Payment!
PBNs' Average Domain Stats:
-Niche Specific or General
-Trust Flow - 18
-Citation Flow - 15
-Referring Domains - 24 (minimum 10+)
-No spam backlink profiles
-Natural anchor text ratios
-Diversified TLDs (.com, .net, .org, .info, .io, .co, .us, etc)
-You must submit your own unique article when purchasing this service.
-Include the anchor text in the article.
-Include the link you want with which anchor text.
-Please keep the length of the articles above 300 words.
-Content will be reviewed and adjusted by Americans in the USA
-We put just as much emphasis on the content as we do the domain statistics.
-Posts will contain relevant images.
-Posts will contain relevant videos to the content. (not every post will get a video to keep it natural and sites' expected quality)
Hosted on Safe Networks:
-Hosted on many servers world-wide
-Different Server and DNS for each site
-Different A/B/C class IPs for each site
-Different domain Whois information
-We block many different backlink crawlers
In order to keep our sites and networks safe, we provide only certain information about your links.
Our Report:
-The exact anchor text used (will be whatever you provided us)
-The domain's statistics. (domain name will not be included)
-The official word count of the article published.
-How many pictures were used.
-If a video was used.
Now that you know the ins and outs, what are you waiting for? Get the upper hand today with our Robust PBN links!
* Read Before Ordering *
- You are sending us an article/post to put onto a 10-25 TF PBN.
- Your article(s) needs to be in an Microsoft Word document or HTML and have the exact anchor text and links with how you want them.
- Specify what your niche is, as well as some of your keywords so we can put you onto the correct sites and enter proper information into the meta descriptions.
- If you order more than 1 PBN link, you will need as many articles as links you ordered. (We will allow up to 2-3 links in an article if you want to stuff it full, and don't want your links on different articles on different sites).
- If you order more than 1 PBN link, they will be dripfed and posted throughout the duration specified on the upgrade.
- Please re-read the "Our Report" section on this page. That is everything you will receive on delivery. We will not provide further information to ensure the security of our networks and our customers.
- Please message us with any questions you may have.
You're now ready to order!
This is to protect my sites, my clients' sites, and as well as your sites from other people. This is why a PBN is called a PRIVATE Blog Network.
You will not get a refund for not reading this and understanding it. If you have any questions please ask before ordering!

AverageResponse Time
Ordersin progress
Fails to Deliver
Refund Rate