Completely done for you! - PBN Creation - Made in USA
SEO/PBN Creation
3 days estimated (5 days guaranteed) >
3 days on average

We create your PBN for you with the same quality methods as taught in Source University
What we do:
- Fully set-up WordPress Site (looks like a genuine blog)
- Install different plugins (to keep it looking natural)
- Change widgets around (to keep it looking natural)
- Standard Pages - About, Contact, Privacy Policy
- Video embeds and high quality images
- Custom Logo
- Free Theme or Premium Theme (we mix these up to keep it looking natural)
- One 300+ word article (written by American Citizens with College Educations)
- Updated Permalinks and remove default Wordpress Content (sample pages and posts)
- Hide your links from bots and your competition
What we need from you:
- You need to set the hosting up and install WordPress
- Send us the information to login to WordPress
- Niche you want the site based around
- Any specific anchor text you want in the first article
- URL that you would like placed in the anchor text / linked to
That's it! We look forward to working with you. Send us a message prior to ordering if you have any questions.
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about 6 years ago
12 hours
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No refunds after completion. We will do revisions if unsatisfied.
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