I will give you my E-cigarette manufacturer to start ecig or Vape business

IT & Web/Ecommerce
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I recently opened up an e-cigarette vape shop online and on site in central California and I've used various e-cigarette manufacturers to fill my online store with stock.

I found out that wholesalers do not offer the best prices. in fact, wholesalers inflate the manufacturers prices in order to pocket a fee.

I have found a particular manufacturer of various high end ecig products that i have been using for atleast a year now, I found them when I was browsing a website that charged for membership. They have very good shipping prices and respond when I have questions. that's all I can ask for.

for just 5 dollars I will send you their contact information and website. This company is overseas and still manages to get products to me efficiently and on time!
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-Car Audio installer and Enthusiast (MECP Certified) -English speaker from the USA. -Wordpress website creator. -Regular ECig user and seller. -Professional internet marketer and search engine optimizer.