Ill post your 500 words of vehicle related content onto my Car Audio Blog

Marketing/Content Marketing
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Hello all,

A little over a year ago i started a car audio product review site to better explain car audio products and installation to people who aren't receiving the proper help and guidance in car audio shops across the U.S. My site has been doing really well and I've gotten tons of good feedback on the content. 

If you have car audio content and/or products and between 300 to 500 words about your product/services or website this gig is perfect for you, all I need from you is:

  1. 300 to 500 words of content
  2. At least 1 high quality image (3 max)
  3. Website Url

I am accepting content relating to:

  1. Automotive audio (car audio)
  2. Motorcycle audio
  3. Vehicle "How to" content
  4. Any vehicle car parts (preference, replacements)
  5. ATV and all dirt bike audio
  6. All mobile accessories

What I will not post:

  1. Back links to any Spam sites
  2. Spammy content
  3. Un-related content
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-Car Audio installer and Enthusiast (MECP Certified) -English speaker from the USA. -Wordpress website creator. -Regular ECig user and seller. -Professional internet marketer and search engine optimizer.