Buy 5 Expired PBN Domains with TF: 20 and CF: 20
5 Expired PBN Domains with TF: 20 and CF: 20
High Metric domain Perfect for PBN
Are your looking for quality expired domains? Look no further.
Because we are offering you personally scraped domains for just $10.
What type of Domain Metrics You Will Get?
Majestic Trust Flow 20+
Majestic Citation Flow 20+
Majestic Referring Domains 10+
So why do we not care about Moz metrics? Simple. Moz is known to be not nearly as deep a crawler as Majestic which is why it's prone to missing out on juicy links as well as extensive amounts of spam. This means good domains can look like bad domains on Moz, and the bad domains can look good! That's why you'll be getting the cream of the crop based on MajesticSEO metrics instead!
Please note that: We are selling high metric domain names perfect for PBN/SEO usage that are available for registration, we will not be buying the domains for you.
Looking to buy in bulk? Check out my extra gigs!
Check out the Screenshots of the Domain which we will provide.
1. What are the things that will be covered in the basic $10 service?
I will deliver, 5 quality domains in the basic $10 service.
2. How much time will you take to process the service?
I require, 10 days to process the service.
3. If failed to deliver on time, will you refund the money?
Yes, if I failed to deliver the services as promised on time, I'll refund the money.PositiveRating
AverageResponse Time
Ordersin progress
Fails to Deliver
Refund Rate