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IT & Web/Web Programming
24 days estimated (29 days guaranteed) >
I'm a software developer with front end and back end skills. So why would I make a website for free? because I want to level up my skills and have some reviews on my profile.

What am I capable of doing? I can built website's like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook where you can Post, Delete, Update, and Read. I have a little bit of E-commerce experience so I'm all-in for making those kinds of websites. Or a simple, minimalist website that showcases your business.

How am I qualified? I graduate Origin Code Academy which goes over fundamentals, best practices, and the mentality of programming. I just recently graduated so I'm am a fully certified full stack developer.

Check out some of my work with Dropbox videos:

Here is Chewbarka made with the MEAN Stack and the CSS Framework Bulma it was a project to keep track of your dogs records and fitness, in the video some API keys expired such as the events page so its doesn't work (sorry about that).

3 Videos: Here is NoshSpot similar to grub hub: a food delivery system made with the SWAC Stack. All of these Front Ends are connected to one Back end API.

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