I will get you a Complete Moz Metrics and Alexa Ranking Report for 90 URLs
Marketing/Domain Research
3 days estimated (3 days guaranteed) >
How does it work?
It's simple, you give us a list of URL's or Web pages you want to get core metrics (Moz & Alexa).
And you'll get a report that shows some advanced SEO Benchmark Metrics for those specific URLs
from Moz:
from Alexa's Score:
How does this data helps me?
Well if you are to do Off-page Optimization (SEO) to your website. It's always a good practice to get links from high authority sites; this in turn will help you get better rankings in most search engines.
How to use this GiG?
Remember that this gig, is great to use for Internal Audits (from your website), to check core metrics. And also to investigate websites that are ranking for specific terms. And for websites you might want to get backlinks from.
It's simple, you give us a list of URL's or Web pages you want to get core metrics (Moz & Alexa).
And you'll get a report that shows some advanced SEO Benchmark Metrics for those specific URLs
from Moz:
- Page Authority
- Domain Authority
- MozRank
- External Links (More or Less Accurate)
from Alexa's Score:
- Popularity (Alexa's Global Rank)
- Reach
How does this data helps me?
Well if you are to do Off-page Optimization (SEO) to your website. It's always a good practice to get links from high authority sites; this in turn will help you get better rankings in most search engines.
How to use this GiG?
Remember that this gig, is great to use for Internal Audits (from your website), to check core metrics. And also to investigate websites that are ranking for specific terms. And for websites you might want to get backlinks from.
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