1500 Social Signals Fbook Twitter Linkdin Pinterest G+
I will provide you 1500 Social Signals from the Top 5 Social Media Networks!
- 600 Likes + 25 Share Facebook Signals
- 800 Linkdin Signals
- 75 Pinterest Signals
- 5 Twitter Signals
- 5 Google plus Signals
An overwhelming amount of research shows that social signals are a MUST for ranking in Google in 2017!
Without social signals from Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin you will not rank your website.
All Kinds Of Sites Accepted Including
- YouTube Videos!
- Websites, Blogs, Web 2.0!
- Virtually any other type of link!
*Only 1 URL per order
*You WILL NOT receive URLs of shares.
***This is a one time blast, dripfeed is not available***
You are going to be asked to give me a link to a site, video, or other property that will then be shared , liked, retweeted etc... this is NOT to give you likes etc... on your existing profiles.
You will be provided with a full report and a link to a social signals checker so that you can verify that the job was done.
Check out my EXTRAS if you need even more social signal power.
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Ordersin progress
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