√√ Hatred's PBN Posts - Proven Ranking Quality - 10 Posts √√
Turn Around Time (TAT) is currently a bit delayed as I find and train a new VA. All orders will still be completed as my current VA will still be working for me in the meantime.
Please read the FAQ before ordering. Found Below.
New, updated ranking screenshots can be found below.
Please note that I can't stand ranking screenshots. You as a buyer have no idea what the competition is on the order, what their on-page is like, how diversified their sites are nor what they did for keyword selection.
Frequently Asked Questions!
Do you provide reports?
- Never. This is to ensure the safety of the network. You can however check webmaster tools for the links, as I don't block google.
Do you allow Pharma/Pills/Porn/Adult/Black Hat Stuff/Payday Loans?
-Nope. Don't ask.
How Long do they stay on the homepage?
- The posts are permanent and will be on the homepage for about 3 - 4 weeks and then roll off into the inner pages.
How many posts does it take to rank?
- I have no idea and neither does anyone else. Don't ask this question. I fucking hate it.
My site is brand new, should I buy posts?
- Probably not.
What is your TAT?
- TAT is hard to state. In most cases I am dripping posts 30 days or more. This also means I'll have to deliver early to avoid the auto-refund since the max guaranteed delivery date is 29 days. I also have to get content ready and queued. All of that takes time. When I deliver I give you the last post date for your order so you know when things finish.
If I buy more than 10 posts do they go on different blogs?
- Yes, they go on different blogs. Remember I'm human if this does happen, let me know and i'll replace.
Do you offer discounts on bulk orders?
-No. Anybody offering discounts on their posts should tell you something about their posts.
Are these blogs niche specific?
-No. They are general blogs.
Updated Screenshots: May-ish to June-ish.
Again I can't stress this enough. I pretty much hate ranking screenshots. I tried to add more details into these, like the type of keyword they used as well as volumes to note. In some cases stories of what was going on in some cases. People who work with me and give me solid sites for posts are going to perform super well in comparison to people who have garbage diversity and terrible on-site. These links only perform as nicely as what i'm given.
To note there are orders from June still on drip and things are just taking longer in general to kick-in as far as links go. I'm noticing that, as well as other SEOs, so if you are patient, you will see good things.
Screenshots from August 2016.
June/July Orders from the 7/28/2016 update. Above is the most recent.
3/15/16: Some Screenies. Probably won't post anymore of these.
UPDATE: Source Market Client Screenshots
Look at those results! Very early as well! Typically it takes 2 weeks to notice the effects of my posts. All posts are done on a mandatory drip feed in order to ensure the security of the network. The total search volume for that keyword is 27k as well!
Update: 2/2/2016: New screenshots below.
Rock Solid Private Blog Network Posts!
Let's Look at some Metrics! - Links hidden to preserve the quality of the network.
Note: These are only a sample of the blogs. I have around 80+ that can and will be used.
Pretty Solid Right? - Let's look at Client Screenshots from 2015.

Pretty Cool Right?
This network was used exclusively to move these websites back in March of this 2015.Details on the Network
Spam Free √
Different Hosts √
300-400 Word Articles FREE √
Bots/Spyders/Crawlers Blocked √
Drip Feed √
Custom Images √
No Interlinking √
AverageResponse Time
Ordersin progress
Fails to Deliver
Refund Rate