[METHOD]Get rid of your competitors site and video: 80 spots left
80 spots left before I remove this method from Source Market.
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All the known SEOs don't talk about it. A technique so powerful and effective that it would change the SEO industry, if more people knew about it. It's so deadly that it is considered a taboo subject to talk about. In fact, after I sell this method to 100 people - I'm closing this for good.
Note: If you are a frequent browser of public forums, you probably know most of this information.
This technique is a nuclear bomb. If you use this nuke you will do catastrophic damage to your competitors. What SEOs never talk about is getting rid of your competitors on the search results. It's always hush hush. Just like you can rank things on the first page of google - there are certain measures that can be done to get rid of your competitors on the search results.
A little research and you might find out what I'm talking about. The problem is that there's a lot of misinformation out there. There are certain misconceptions out there, that dilute the effectiveness of the technique.
If you purchase my method, I'll let you know how to use the technique to its fullest potential.
And, there's a lesser known method. A technique that no one even knows or yet alone talk about it. What is it? Getting rid of videos on YouTube.
If you are into YouTube then this method is perfect for you. Perhaps, you have a pesky competitor that's ranking above you. With this method, if you really wanted to - you could remove the top 10 videos for your keyword. You nuke the field and make it easier for you to rank.
Maybe someone is using these techniques against you and you want to lash back. The bottom line is that this technique is extremely useful for anyone that is serious about their SEO. The price you are paying is a investment in your education. This technique will be great for your arsenal when pursuing your SEO. And, if you want to be on the defensive side - it's just good information to know.
Reasons why you should buy my method
1. You want an advantage over your competitors
2. You want to rank easier for your video or site.
3. You want to retaliate against someone who wronged you.
4. And so much more...
Reasons why you shouldn't buy my method
1. You know what it is. (Highly doubt it.)
2. You are not willing to invest in your SEO education and get an advantage over your competitors.
3. You want a easy get rich quick scheme without spending any money whatsoever.
4. You feel that it is wrong to do this. That's up to you to decide. This is business.
5. You don't have the money.
On top of this main method, you'll also learn more about..
1. Getting rid of your competitors on the first page of Google.
2. How to protect yourself from this method. (Others can use it on you.)
3. The limitations of this method. Every method has their risks and this one isn't perfect.
Feel free to trash what I've wrote if you buy it. There's a lot of techniques that you haven't heard about. And, trust me it's well worth the money as you can do some serious damage with what you will learn. There are no refunds after you receive the method. This information isn't for free.
Get rid of your competition. :)
Disclaimer: I am not responsible for anything that you do. This information is educational and I do not hold any responsibility for anything you might do with this information. This is up to you and you are ready to take on any consequences after you read my method. Hopefully, you understand why I have this disclaimer as I want to cover my ass.
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