Domain Spam Checking - Archive and Copyscape Filtering

3 days estimated (8 days guaranteed) >
Spam checking will save you countless hours when checking your scraped list of expired domains.

Filters include:

- Chinese text: Any Chinese spam found will be automatically labelled as spam.

- Bad words: This is a list of bad words (gambling, loans, etc), which you can customise or use our default.  Domains containing these words in the waybackmachine will be flagged as spam.

- Homepage word count: We will find the highest word count of any homepage in the domains archive. This helps you find sites that can be recreated with plenty of content.

- EXTRA: Copyscape check the content to make sure it's unique. This means you can recreate the domain, safe in the knowledge that the content is high quality.

We only check the copyscape of the domains that pass the spam filtering.

Orders are handled in multiples of 500, and will be delivered within 3 -7 days, but will often be completed within 24 hours.

Domains can be a simple text list of all domains to be checked.

You will receive a csv with all the information you need.

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14 hours

AverageResponse Time


Ordersin progress


Fails to Deliver


Refund Rate

If we do not deliver within the guaranteed duration customers can receive a full refund.