Page 1 on YouTube won't get you as much views as this will!

SEO/Youtube SEO
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Are you looking for REAL PEOPLE to engage with your content on YouTube?

Have you tried buying views that turned out to be fake, and got your video flagged or your account banned?

Have you ever gotten confused trying to figure out how to optimize your videos, picking whatever tags and keywords that look good?

Or have you paid expensive fees for Page 1 ranking and haven't seen the flood of views you imagined you'd get?

It's not your fault!

Take a look at the example below....the "How To Sell By Owner" video:

Here's what it's got going for it:

  • Page 1 Rank (spot #3)
  • Age (it's been up for four years)
  • The video length is short for optimum viewer retention
But what about the views? Just over 12K. Not all that impressive for page 1, in my opinion.

But what about the video above it, the one in the number 1 spot?
  • It's only been up for 2 years (half the time the other video's been up)
  • It's kinda LONG (almost half hour! Yikes!)
And yet it beat the pants off every other video that's been uploaded for 5,6,7 or even NINE years ago that are on the first page.

It has MORE VIEWS than all of them. Go to YouTube and do the search. Scroll down, see for yourself.

What makes it different? Think about it. If you were in the market to sell your house, which video looks most appealing?

The one with the CUSTOM THUMBNAIL.

Did you know you have a 30% greater chance of a visitor stopping to watch YOUR video if you use an eye catching custom thumb nail?

If you want:
- Increased Views
- From real people (no more bots and flagged videos)
- That actually are interested in your video, (engaged audience)
- Who will likely watch subsequent videos due to instant recognition of your brand
- More website visits
- More potential sales

A Custom Video Thumbnail is your answer!

Here are some samples: CLICK HERE (right click to open in a new tab)

You can either choose to let me create a thumbnail from scratch, or send me one of your videos so I can grab a screenshot from it to use as a base to work from.

So what do you get with this service? One professionally designed, eye catching thumbnail to:
- Instantly brand you as an authority in your niche,
- Make your videos easily recognizable
- Garner a riveted audience for your content
- Get you MORE VIEWS!

So if you're ready for an exciting new phase of your YouTube presence, click on the Order button and let's get started!

Can't wait to work with you,

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