[Health / Weightloss PBN] Niche relevant Links PA30 Tumblr PBN (good metrics)

3 days estimated (8 days guaranteed) >
2 days on average

Tumblr Private Blog Network with PageRank, high PA or good Majestic metrics!

Why tumblr Links?

tumblr is a massive site with PR 8 and DA 97. It's a trusted site much like other web 2.0 page like wordpress or blogger. tumblr and other web 2.0 are part of every good link profil.

Why use my tumblr PBN?

All my tumblrs are aged with PR and domain authority of 30 or higher. All blogs are indexed in Google.

I only accept sites from the following niches:
  • Health
  • Weight Loss
  • Fitness

Why? I want to ensure that you get 100% relevant links to your site.

All content is 100% unique and is written for you.

I use different IPs for all my tumblrs.

I do not accept shady or spammy sites.

What you get for 8$

Option #1
1 blog post
1 keyword
Includes: unique article
+ full report

Option #2
2 blog posts
2 URLs
2 keywords
You need to deliver the unique content (pass copyscape)
+ full report

Option #3
2 blog posts (with short text)
1 video
+ full report

Important! Remember: I can only accept sites with the following topics: Health, Weight Loss, Fitness!
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over 6 years ago