High Metric, Spam Free, Expired Domains for your PBN

3 days estimated (8 days guaranteed) >
2 days on average

PBN's are the best way to gain strong organic search rankings, as you control your links and gain valuable link juice.

I will research & find the best quality expired domains for your PBN (personal blog network). This will be based on the inventory available at the moment the order is placed. For industry specific/niche domains, check gig extras

I provide quality, dependable and honest work, No over-hyped marketing sales pitch here. Nothing is outsourced to some strange organization in a bizarre place.

I will focus on domains with natural links, low or no SeoMoz spam score, good Majestic Trust flow and Citation flow. Please note that PR (Page Rank) will not be considered, as Google abandoned it in 2014.

# Your New PBN Metrics:

- Majestic CF = 15+

- Majestic TF = 15+

- SeoMoz DA = 15+

- SeoMoz PA = 15+

- Referring Domains = 5/10+

- Age of Domain = 1+ year

- SeoMoz Metric Screenshot

- Majestic Metric Screenshot

- No Fake PRs + No unsure PRs + No PageRank -1

*(please note, I under promise & over deliver)

Each domain will be available at your preferred registrar (Namecheap, Godaddy, etc)
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over 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
almost 4 years ago
about 4 years ago
about 4 years ago
about 4 years ago
about 4 years ago



8 hours

AverageResponse Time


Ordersin progress


Fails to Deliver


Refund Rate

We will grant your refund in the unlikely times that the metrics are not correct. We will give you a screenshot or ,pdf printout of your domain metrics so you this really shouldn't happen at all.