Local Market VIDEO Domination !!!! (50 cities !!!) -- Only 4 more DISCOUNTS !!!

SEO/Youtube SEO
20 days estimated (25 days guaranteed) >
19 days on average

Do you have a video for your business that is LOCATION BASED? Imagine being on the first page of Google for ALL neighboring cities for as many as 50 cities! [we can find all the cities within a 50 mile radius for you to select from]  The profit potential from exposure like this can be HUGEEEE, not to mention the SEO ranking boost if you point it back to a website !!!!

Don't just be the top source for small cities not many people market to, but be the ONLY source for these cities and literally OWN the market! Folks, you have to understand the power in this.

Lets say you are a plumber and your office is based in Beverly Hills. People searching for a plumber in cities outside of Beverly Hills are NOT going to search in Beverly Hills for a plumber. Almost 95% of your competition in the ONLINE WORLD of marketing are targeting the bigger cities or the next biggest cities, but what about the small towns around it? Do you see where I'm going with this? Sure you can have a video ranked on the first page in Google for a couple of well known cities, but how long will they last when you are competing with SEO experts that are all targeting the same city? Not very long probably, depending on your niche.

What I'm offering you is the chance to DOMINATE the search engines with your professional service / product in up to 50 cities around your business !!!  Depending on your business, just 1 client can be worth THOUSANDS of dollars to you and your business.

This is NOT your ordinary video marketing service and takes time and work to do. 

Keep in mind that these videos can remain for YEARS bringing you leads/sales!

  • Regular Rate = $100 + $10.00 per city
  • Introductory Rate = $100 + $5.00 per city
  • Discount by Month(s) RATE = $750 + $2.00 per city

1,000 Cities Comparison Chart

  • 1,000 cities at REGULAR RATE would be = $10,100
  • 1,000 cities at INTRODUCTORY RATE = $5100 (saves $5000 off regular price) <-- only 4 left
  • 1,000 cities at (EXTRA) VIP Reduced RATE = $2100 (saves $8,000.00 off regular price)

500 Cities Comparison Chart

  • 500 cities at REGULAR RATE would be = $5100
  • 500 cities at INTRODUCTORY RATE = $2600 (saves $2500 off regular price) <-- only 4 left
  • 500 cities at (EXTRA) VIP Reduced RATE = $1750 (saves $3,350.00 off regular price)

250 Cities Comparison Chart

  • 250 cities at REGULAR RATE would be = $2600
  • 250 cities at INTRODUCTORY RATE = $1350 (saves $1250 off regular price) <-- only 4 left
  • 250 cities at (EXTRA) VIP Reduced RATE = $1250 (saves $1,350.00 off regular price)

***In short. If you will be ordering MORE than 250 cities within the next 3 months, then you definitely want to go with the EXTRA option for the 3-month $2.00 per city rate.

SPECIAL DISCOUNT for the first 5 orders !!! (Yes YOU can order all 5 now and use them later)

The first 5 people to order will receive the discount rate of $350.00, then the price will be going up to $600.00 thereafter.

Before you click off of this gig, think about the possibilities because if you leave and come back your price might not be the same! Cars break down EVERYWHERE. Imagine being the ONLY towing service to show up in these random cities! Do you understand the power of this? If not... marketing is NOT for you!

Special Discounted Submissions Left

  • 4 out of 5 left


Extra 1 - $250.00 = Add 50 more cities to your video submission (rank for 100+ more keywords)

Extra 2 - $500.00 = 3 Month reduced rate of only $2.00 per city !!!

Extra 3 - $2,000.00 = LIFETIME reduced rate of only $2.00 per city !!!

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