Google Maps Business Verification - Any City/Country

20 days estimated (25 days guaranteed) >
20 days on average

Confirmed Google Maps Listings

  • Guaranteed confirmation of any of your businesses on Google Maps
  • Any City or Country
  • 100% Verified listings under your control
  • Free Phone Verified Google Account

Do you have an idea for a leadgen site, or perhaps a client that needs an address within a city center, or perhaps you want to list an address from the city next to yours to get more leads? This gig is for you!

We can create and verify any Google business listing within any city in the world. The listing will be fully verified and you will get login details to manage the listing.

  • 100% Refund if we can't confirm the listing.
  • 14-17 Day turnaround - We can't do quicker than this without compromising the listing.
  • Over 50 Confirmed in 9 countries and not a single one deleted/blocked by Google.
  • Local IP addresses always used.
  • Access to the Google Business dashboard to manage your page
  • Google account phone verified (or we can use yours if you wish)

It's preferable that you use a forwarding phone number that you can forward to our phone during the process (Twilio/Callrail etc) but if you don't have that, we can still get it done - you will see full instructions on the confirmation page.

We've confirmed over 50 listings so far spread over 9 different countries and we've never had a problem. If we can't confirm your listing, you will be given a full refund.

We are new on Sourcemarket but not at doing this. We decided the first 3 orders will be done at $145 to get some feedback, after that we will increase our prices to $275.

*No Locksmiths will be verified with this service

Optional Extras:

Citations - We can create citations with an accurate address whilst the listing is being confirmed.

Site Creation - We will create a full leadgen/business site with multiple pages, logos, forms ready to be filled in, schema markup, fictious about us etc.

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over 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
almost 4 years ago
about 4 years ago
about 4 years ago
about 4 years ago
about 4 years ago
about 4 years ago
about 4 years ago
over 4 years ago



5 hours

AverageResponse Time


Ordersin progress


Fails to Deliver


Refund Rate

I like to keep things simple: Not Verified or late = Refund Verified but late = Refund (Unless you're late getting me the info needed) Verified & On Time = No Refund