301 redirect from TF 11 PA 26 domain
Did you know that a 301 redirect is stronger then a PBN link? You can read more about 301 redirects from Moz.
A 301 redirect is stronger then a PBN link because a redirect passes 90%+ link juice. PBN links passes around 50-60% of the juice and the rest is lost. Here are the following metrics for the domain:
Trust Flow (TF) = 11
Citation Flow (CF) = 22
Domain Authority = 13
Page Authority = 26
Referring Domain = 38
Redirect will last a year and you will be charged 10 dollars the next year. Domain will then be transferred to you and you will do whatever you want with it. The biggest benefit with a expired domain is that it's untraceable. You won't be able to find the redirect in link crawlers. You can block crawlers with a PBN but there are constantly new crawlers out there that people aren't blocking. That's why a redirect is safer and more powerful then a PBN link
You can build links and shorteners to the domain.
Take advantage of what is essentially a PBN link on steroids.
AverageResponse Time
Ordersin progress
Fails to Deliver
Refund Rate